June 27
Flower names are posted... there are way too many varieties of Heliconia... I gave up on an absolute ID of #15....! Wednesday was HOT and Sunny now we're back to fog... yesterday I planted a bunch of stuff including more lettuce seed... I bought cheap seed the first go round the romaine did really well, the leaf lettuce germinated 6 plants.... I use lettuce as borders around my flower beds... I pick it selectively so that I don't ruin my borders!
Today is the official opening day... although I've been open every day that I've been home since we got home!

June 24
Woke up to fog again... but the sun looks like it is trying to break through.... Yesterday we went to Calais after lunch to pick up a couple of parcels.... The line up to get back into Canada kept getting longer and longer we joined it at 4 pm got back into Canada at 5:15... we didn't even have to pay the HST on our purchases as there was no place for us to park... they were too busy shredding other peoples cars.... We ate dinner at the 45th on Sunday night and the couple beside us said that getting into Campobello from Canada was just as bad... Hope that isn't a new thing for the summer..... Won't make the tourists happy!
Em has temporarily lost his door privileges... He lost two magnets then lost his collar... but he managed to catch and release a live mouse into the house before he lost his collar... so he has to suck up to Zoomies if he wants in now! Zoomies caught the mouse so he's the hero! G spent hours trying to catch it.... Guess he'll have to take lessons from ZZ!
The Gallery is almost ready to go... G is installing a ceiling fan... of course I had a customer yesterday wandering around in amongst the ladder etc.... I was in the kitchen and heard loud talking... I just thought that G had cranked up the radio so that he could hear it in the gallery!
I also picked up more stock on the way home yesterday...( copper purses and hand painted copper cat brooches... they are made from recycled copper roofing....) now have to find somewhere to put it!
I will post the Hawaiian flower names this weekend... I have declared a tie for the winners... neither person had everything right but they both sent answers for all 19 pictures... and they both got (and agreed) all the ones that I didn't know!

June 20
I'm home... Not sure if the longest day of the year is today or tomorrow... Haven't seen the sun for so long I'm beginning to wonder what it looks like... my Hawaiian tan has all flaked off... I may start growing mold between my toes any day now.....
While we were gone emkins redecorated the dining room in bird feathers very nice look... and he now has ZZ trained to let him in the house... since he still hasn't really figured out the magnetic door... Yesterday Emkins was pawing at the magnetic kitty door, trying to get in... and ZZ ran over to the door...G removed ZZ and told him to get out of the way... I said 'I'm sure he was going to let Em in, so leave him alone and get out of the way'... G said 'sure he's going to let Em in... I can hardly wait to see this! Get up there cat and show me how you let Emmy in....' 30 seconds later Zoomies opened the window and went out holding the window/door open so that Em could come in....then ZZ came right back in.... G sort of hurumphed .... I obviously blew raspberries!
I did light my torch yesterday... was trying out a new lauscha colour.....that I picked up from Lauschalady Grace in Ottawa
#686 - Buckhorn/Silver
Colour wise if you use it on it's own it's fairly similar to Effreti Opal yellow.... I got a really nice reaction using raku on it... Pictures may get uploaded in July if the sun ever comes out!
Off to make more beads or unpack the stock for the gallery... Offical opening for the summer is next Friday... will be open every day Until Labor day 11- 4 ... but if I'm here the hours are more like 9am to 7 pm Atlantic Time! Stop in and visit if you're in the area!

June 12
Watrous SK... raining .... not lake weather.... we got a new windshield in Edmonton... so now I can see... we are styaing here until Saturday then heading East towards home!

June 7
Canmore AB... Back in Canada and pouring rain... Yellowstone was fun even if we did get snowed on! Old Fatithful was Faithful while we were watching... Spent two nights in Montana before coming back accross the border yesterday afternoon.. bambi decided to commit suicide on the windshield 7miles south of the border... G can still see... I have real privacy glass on my side! Hve an appointment to get a new windshield Monday morning in Edmonton! It's pouring rain here so no hurry to get outside and get wet!
Update just looked out the window and the rain has turned intogiant snowballs!

June 3
From Cody Wyoming... (8 pm) Saw lots of snow coming through the pass today...not sure how many miles/km we've peddled since Saturday morning.... lots of interstate, lots of toll booths... fell of the interstate at noon today to detour through Yellowstone.....